
Your win’s my glow, your spark, your light, Your name’s my cheer, loud and clear, Your back I’ve got, no doubt, no fear Clapping so loud, fists reach to the skyNo shade, just love and genuine praise,fixing each others crown in the cosmic hazeRespect and trust, our bond pure gold, Glow up together, our stories […]

The F*ckery of Fake Feminism: It’s Time for Real Sisterhood

We all know the staged social media posts overflowing with “#womensupportingwomen” hashtags. But beneath the curated feeds often lies a harsh reality: performative feminism. It’s a frustrating charade filled with empty praise and a silent refusal to offer genuine support.

This fakery is not only disingenuous to the ideals of sisterhood, but it also disrespects the legacy of the strong women who came before us. We deserve better than this shallow performance.

Joy Container

You’re different, she said Summit magic, I whispered Do tell, she nudged Joy container floating at sea Flags of possibilities fluttering in the wind, E.I., A.I., movement, dance fusion, social enterprise, Schmoozing, biohacking, erotic blueprints, Sinek, like in Simon… Bingo, family-style dinners, psychedelics Are you micro-dosing now, she asked Nah, not my scene, but D.O.S.E. […]

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