Tell Me More

#truth – Small talk isn’t exactly my strong suit. Sure, I can keep up with the latest buzz about celebrities like David Beckham (seriously, have you seen his closet?!), but full disclosure, I suck at small talk.

I crave genuine connections beyond surface-level chatter and delve into a person’s essence—their passions, fears, and dreams. That’s where the true richness lies–that’s the good stuff.

So, I’ve mastered saying three little words: “Tell me more.” They’re like a secret code unlocking the juicy stuff in conversation.

And let me tell you, it’s been a game-changer. From moments of pure joy to vulnerable admissions, those three words have opened up a world of meaningful dialogue.

So, if you’re fed up with the chit-chat scene and ready for real talk, join me on this journey of curiosity and connection. Swap the superficial for the substantial and watch the magic unfold.

Remember, it’s not about being the most interesting person in the room – it’s about being the most interested.



I absolutely adore my girls; they never fail to impress (well, rarely). And when it comes to supporting me, my tribe is always there. This year has been full of unexpected twists and turns, and I’ve grappled with finding my path. There are so many things I want to pursue (like seriously!), but sometimes, it takes a friend’s perspective to remind us of our true calling. Over drinks recently, my friend turned to me and said something that got me thinking. “You know what you are, Mic? You’re a freaking farmer, planting seeds of possibility.”

Whenever something catches my attention, my body constantly reacts with a signature move – the lean back, tilted head, squinty eyes, and my mouth doing that funky thing it does. It’s my body’s way of saying, ‘I’m picking up what you are putting down.’ And as the words sank in, a big ol’ grin spread across my face, dimples in full display; huh, she’s right, and I’m in the business of sowing dreams. 

My Seed

I’ve spent so much time as a girl with a pen, pouring out my thoughts on my blog and sowing the seeds of potential for myself. It’s hard to pinpoint when I transitioned from nurturing my dreams to nurturing those of others. But here I am, knee-deep in the world of farming, cultivating the aspirations of others. You can address me as Mic the Farmerette!

This is starting to sound like a country song...insert lyric here
    Fancy boots, thriving crops, 
a dreamy girl, tilling soil,
feels so right, can't stop! 

Is being a farmerette easy? Absolutely not! It’s incredibly challenging. Why? Because it demands that I protect my joy, rise above the noise, and dismiss naysayers constantly. Being an effective farmerette requires the right mindset. 

 I’m constantly hustling, burning the midnight oil, pouring my heart and soul into making dreams come true. The paycheck? Ah, not so much, not yet. (Money is overrated, said no one, ever) It’s all good; for now, my reward is witnessing those little seeds blossom into incredible opportunities. So, while it may be challenging, it’s also gratifying. Joy runs deep within my soul, so I rely on my inner compass to guide me and keep planting.

The farmer has to be an optimist, or he wouldn’t still be a farmer

It turns out it takes time to farm and see the fruits of my labor. Argh, this is a toughie for a gal like me, the practice of patience. Just like avocados, some dreams take time to mature, requiring unwavering commitment and persistence. 

On the flip side, some dreams sprout up fast and furious like cilantro- love these! And being a Latin girl, cilantro is basically the MVP of herbs, right? Quick, zesty, and ready to spice things up! 

So whether you are an avocado or cilantro, I appreciate the beauty that blooms from the wisdom in all dreams’ growth patterns. Learning to trust the timing of everything – it all happens at the right time, so for now, I find solace (joy) in tilling the soil, tending, watering, and supporting all dreams, including my own.

Gypsy Girl


Enter Lis, my wild and free-spirited gypsy friend. Our worlds collided during a semester abroad, and our bond continued into our late twenties. She was the yin to my yang, balancing my cautious and square nature with spontaneity and fun. Lis is like an enchanting unicorn with untamed hair, sprinkling magic wherever she goes. Her quick wit and infectious laughter are so captivating they turn heads. But it's her curiosity and intelligence that cast a net.

Our paths diverged years ago. While I settled down and planted roots, Lis chose an unconventional path. After all, you can't expect a gypsy soul to stand still long. Instead, Lis fearlessly explored the world and embraced an adventure-filled life. Seriously, the places she's lived and the degrees she's earned - too many to mention.

No Matter What

Lis will always hold a special place in my heart. She's so intertwined in my soul that no matter where life takes me, she will forever be a shining constellation in my universe.

So you can only imagine my absolute delight when I found out that my gypsy girl had found her happily ever after. And last week, surrounded by her favorite peeps, she said, "I Do." 

This is dedicated to Lis, my gypsy girl.

Love you forever, no matter what.

Gypsy Girl

A wandering spirit
Too wild to cage
With a magnetic pull
And laugh that infects

A life in still frames 
Stashed in film capsules
And a beautiful mind
revealed in books

A quick tongue
Lover of cats
Men with bats
And heart of gold
Caught in triangles
Entangled in pain
By web of lies
unsure who to trust

Restless and weary
Running a breeze
Scars keep her aback
Safer to seek

A shield to protect 
And keep people at bay
To dance at her will
And remain free

A spiritual junkie
a fiery soul
Fiercely devoted
deeply guarded

Oh, gypsy girl

Tired of the chase
She returns to her roots
To connect and belong
A place to call home

In stillness, she discovers
A shift in her spirit
The act of becoming
A radiance unfolds

A friends embrace
Love's sweet surprise
Effortlessly found
And self-love realized

A spirit untamed
Forever held
In love's warm embrace
Unafraid, no more.


And gypsy girl lived happily ever after…

Joy Container

You’re different, she said

Summit magic, I whispered

Do tell, she nudged

Joy container floating at sea 
Flags of possibilities fluttering in the wind,

E.I., A.I., movement, dance fusion, social enterprise, 
Schmoozing, biohacking, erotic blueprints, 
Sinek, like in Simon…
Bingo, family-style dinners, psychedelics

Are you micro-dosing now, she asked

Nah, not my scene, but D.O.S.E. with Radha is

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You’re different, she said

Summit magic, I whispered

Do tell, she nudged

Joy container floating at sea 
Flags of possibilities fluttering in the wind,

E.I., A.I., movement, dance fusion, social enterprise, 
Schmoozing, biohacking, erotic blueprints, 
Sinek, like in Simon…
Bingo, family-style dinners, psychedelics

Are you micro-dosing now, she asked

Nah, not my scene, but D.O.S.E. with Radha is

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Living & Learning Enrichment Center

Drop the MIC

We are in full planning mode as Thing 2, aka my youngest, prepares to graduate from Highschool. College decisions, spring break wanderlust, and grad preparations. And while academics are important – I leave that to capable educators, my role as his mama is to expose him as much as possible to the world outside our walls.

To my delight, his college essay revealed an incredible journey of personal growth and discovery he experienced through participation in the Unified program, a peer-to-peer initiative designed for special needs students. It sparked something deep inside him, allowing compassion to deepen beyond what I could have ever taught. 

This revelation prompted me to reach out to Rachelle Vartanian, the founder, President & CEO of Living and Learning Enrichment Center, a non-profit organization striving to enrich the lives of people with disabilities. 

Rachelle is remarkably inspiring, with an optimistic disposition and bold plans; she embodies the spirit of a ToGETherJOY Illuminator. See for yourself; this is her story.

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Self-Care Matters

If you want to learn anything- and I mean anything that elevates my brow or is muddled in my world, I am likely to put pen to paper.


And so it was that my muddled dance this week embodied a nosedive onto my hardwood floors. Ouch, Yup, one minute I was upright; the next, I woke drooling on the floor. Disoriented, it took me a minute to register that I had fainted. My body and brain switched to slo-mo; what the heck just happened? Rubbing my throbbing head, disgusted by the slobber on my chin. Did I snog the floor?

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Let’em Play

I spent years schlepping my boys from one field to another for sports, tossing paper bags filled with less-than-healthy meals to the back seat. The trunk of my SUV turned locker room on wheels. Housing cleats, Gatorade bottles, muddy socks, folding chairs, and sports bags with horrendous odors. Gag alert, often begging the question, is there a dead body in my car?  

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