Shine Theory

A Zest For Life

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, so the saying goes. So, what’s a girl to do when bushels of lemons keep showing up? For this girl, it means hair up, messy bun, yoga pants, and getting to work on squeezing the bejesus out of the lemons with gusto. Honestly, who doesn’t love a tall zest for life pour? Especially with the knowledge that the universe is delivering exactly what I have been asking for, keep ’em coming, my lemonade stand is officially open for business, and I am accepting deliveries and orders with resounding yesses! 

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Recently, I met the most extraordinary woman, her name is Joanne, and she is building a powerful non-profit organization (stay tuned for next week’s posting) Joanne reminded me of the importance of community as support and as a source of strength. Her message read in part, 

We were talking in our studio today about empowerment. We all agreed that as survivors, we have become empowered through community. Our little intimate community and the larger external community of women who have supported and cheered us on have helped us recognize just how strong and resilient we truly are. Thank you, Monica, for being our community

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Phone A Friend

I celebrated thirty-plus years of friendship with my Highschool crew. After all these years, the emotion of getting together is always the same, a sense of yes, I am home. I don’t want to jinx it, but I do not believe our friendship comes with an expiration date. 

Maybe it is because we keep the rules of engagement simple, fill each other with enough love to sustain until our next gathering. No one packs a gavel, expectations, or comparisons. It never fails; the vault to our past gets open–Wild remembers everything! But mostly, we make new memories.

Saying goodbye blows, I give extra squeezes, close my eyes and offer gratitude for these remarkable women; not all friendships are infinite. Expiration dates exist, sometimes your phone a friend stops answering. Learning when to loosen your grip and let go is vital. 

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Hallmark Moments

My Tribe

I am a gypsy, moving to unfamiliar places every few years. For some, this might be daunting, but to me, it is exhilarating as I welcome and thrive in the unknown. It helps that the universe always steers and places me in the path of the most incredible women. What starts as a casual hello often evolves into a ‘lifer’ friendship, sharing in all the delicious messiness of life. I love my chosen family and feel a deep obligation to nurture and protect my peeps.

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My Peeps

My squad did not come together overnight; it is decades in the making, sprinkled with thousands of tests along the journey. Words sometimes spoken out of turn, hurt feelings, disappointments, tears, and forgiveness. But mainly, my tribe is a compilation of pure joy. They are the foundation of my being. They offer support and stability. When life attacks, it’s good to know who your people are. 

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My Daily Dosage

Do you ever wonder how certain people seem to have their shit together? The ones you look at and think, wow, how do they do it? How do they manage to do it all so beautifully? I am curious about individuals who appear to have a slight edge and perform at a high level. What’s their secret sauce? What makes them unique? This notion of success has been consuming me. What is success? How do we define it, and why is it that only a handful of individuals explode with ideas?

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You Didn’t Ask

Does anyone else think we have diluted the term friend? Notice how effortlessly it rolls off the tongue. When did we wed real friends -the ones who have our back-with every acquaintance that crosses our path? – how did the ladies from yoga, the ones we small talk with, get promoted to the friend category? To me, a friend specifies someone willing to carry a heavy load on my behalf. Is there a litmus test for what constitutes a friend? I know we throw the title around like confetti, but recently I am feeling at odds. Does it matter? Should it matter?  

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Use Your Words

My younger brother is the male version of me – he is curious, inquisitive, and pragmatic. There is one exception, he infuses fun into everyday life. He is fun(ny) to be around- I am a lot of things, but fun(ny) is not an adjective used to describe me. Friction does not exist in our relationship; we are wired the same. It doesn’t hurt that my sisters and I think he walks on water. 

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I Call BS- The Shit Shift

This Ain’t Daycare ~ Alex Toussaint

Wowzers, 2020 proved to be relentless.

Confession time, I relapsed. The gravity of Rona (aka pandemic, 2020) nearly gobbled me up and swallowed me whole. And for a hot minute, I lost my shit. My happy dance, my mojo, my positive vibes – all of it snatched up.

The Rona tornado made great strides to destroy everything in its path; the collateral damage was felt deeply in families, including yours truly. It did not strike me with physical sickness, but I did fall victim to emotional harm. Humankind disappointed me on a scale that I had never experienced, and it drove me bonkers—consumed by political divide, social injustices, deaths, shutdowns, and isolation. Well, you know, it was a lot, it is still a lot. But what did me in, what really annoyed me, was me. I was angry with myself for quickly slipping into a dangerous cyclone. How effortlessly I categorized people, ‘Oh, you vote this way, you must be this …fill in the blank’.  I became the very thing I deplore in others. I reached new lows and was undoubtedly not finding my joy.  Something had to give; the Rona version of me can kiss my ass.

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