Punch Her In The Tits

There she was, headed straight to me in the frozen aisle. Her stature is hard to miss. As our carts approached each other, The Mexican standoff pops in my head; not today, I thought, never again.  I stop and greet her with a smile, ‘Hey there.’ Her eyes soften, and I see by the wrinkles […]

Anchored To Hope

I am an emotional and intuitive empath. This is my superpower, and it is a gift and a curse. I can feel and take on the emotions of others. My peeps know this about me. I am the one pulling people aside; hey, what’s going on? Are you ok? Your energy is off. A sigh […]

If You Could See What I See~ Part Two

I see the whole moon  As a parent, it is easy to see all the wonderful qualities our children possess. I suppose it is because we see our children through the lens of love. I wonder what would happen If we afforded ourselves that same compassion? How would that change how we see ourselves?

Drop The MIC- A Conversation With Meeta

I love spring and the unspoken promise of a fresh start. New growth reemerges in a cascade of beautiful colors with aromatic scents that paint a hopeful picture. Personally, the seeds I planted last year are beginning to bloom, and they are lovely.

Recovery Rides

THE ONLY TIME I LOOK BACK IS TO SEE HOW FAR I HAVE COME ~ Hannah Corbin Recovery Days Slothful is how I feel at this moment. Motionless, curled up in this magnificent canopy surrounded by palm trees and blue skies. I have lost track of time; the sun is shining, and the weather is […]

Perfect To Me

And then I realized that to be more alive I had to be less afraid so I did it… I lost my fear and gained my whole life ~Rudy Francisco This reminds me of her, my friend Cheryl. Living less afraid. Her life resembles the cover of her first novel, The Other Side of Sanctuary, […]

EulogyNOW- Say it NOW

We are ushered to a family waiting area, a somber gathering in truth. We use our indoor voices. Waiting to be given the green light to walk to the chapel. Everyone is draped in black, a sign of mourning and respect, so I understand. My sister does not typically wear black. Her vibe is bold, […]

One Strong Southern Girl

“Mom, I am spending the night at Mick’s, I yell from my room as I stare at my clothes; hmm, what shade of black should I wear? I go on, I know it’s a school night, and then I proceed to lie, easily I might add…we are working on a project”. I shove clothes in […]

The Bees -100 Women Who Care

This is not my first rodeo; I have been here before, the new girl. Honestly, I am a pro; this is season 10 of my roadshow (the number of zip codes I have lived in). I wave to the group,” hi, I am Monica. I recently moved back to the area. Happy to find a […]

Piece By Piece

Unique and never repeated is how the jigsaw puzzle is described on Amazon. Precision cuts, ensuring tight, interlocking pieces. That sounds about right, I suppose, as far as puzzles are concerned. The month of February felt heavy, cold, and grey. By far my least favorite month, apart from celebrating my eldest son’s birthday, it’s typically […]

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