The Cat’s In The Cradle

And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon Little boy blue and the man in the moon “When you coming home, dad?” “I don’t know when” But we’ll get together then You know we’ll have a good time then -Harry Chapin It occurred to me that I have been lying. It was not […]

Oh, The Places You’ll Go

I spent the morning perusing through social media, catching a glimpse of faces I once shared the hallways with. The Chantilly class of 1991 reunited this past weekend for some good ol’ fun, and for a myriad of reasons, I could not attend. However, I would have loved a squeeze or two from a few […]


Justice Jennings 8.30.97-7.27.19 Despite the stress his body suffered, one organ withstood. He was gone, but his heart was not, it beat with strength and purpose, so when asked at their most vulnerable moment if they would consider donating his heart, the answer came easy.


The words don’t come easy, not even for a girl with a pen. I stare at his photos, failing to recall his voice, his laugh… Two years have passed. There is not one day that goes by that I don’t think of Justice (JJ). I wear a bracelet with his name, a reminder to slow […]


My Peeps My squad did not come together overnight; it is decades in the making, sprinkled with thousands of tests along the journey. Words sometimes spoken out of turn, hurt feelings, disappointments, tears, and forgiveness. But mainly, my tribe is a compilation of pure joy. They are the foundation of my being. They offer support […]

You might be a MOAMG

Dear Moms of Daughters, Yes, I am being particular here. Listen up, ladies, no doubt that many of you are killing it in the mama category. Planting seeds of encouragement, confidence, kindness, inclusion, and compassion. Weaving complicated lessons as you strive to illuminate the path forward for your beautiful girls. Gently guiding them back as […]

Vagina Alignment

Do you paddle board? I do. It’s one of the few water activities I enjoy. Water and I don’t typically get along. I swear I drowned in a previous life, so I am constantly overcoming an innate fear in large bodies of water. But boarding, well, once you understand the elementary rules, leash up, find […]


We got a new roof. Outwardly, the original looked fine. By all standards, it was doing the job, protected our home, and was adequate. Nonetheless, we knew it was time and pulled the trigger. The crew came and moved quickly, tossing old shingles into a large dumpster. Only up close was I able to recognize […]

Time Flies

I curl up on the couch, knees to my chest, and listen as she reminisces with such clarity. We laugh easily, remembering all the shenanigans. Finny the crab, the epic tantrums from Thing 2, baby bear; she gives birth to many beautiful memories. 

My Daily Dosage

Do you ever wonder how certain people seem to have their shit together? The ones you look at and think, wow, how do they do it? How do they manage to do it all so beautifully? I am curious about individuals who appear to have a slight edge and perform at a high level. What’s […]

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