Phone A Friend

I celebrated thirty-plus years of friendship with my Highschool crew. After all these years, the emotion of getting together is always the same, a sense of yes, I am home. I don’t want to jinx it, but I do not believe our friendship comes with an expiration date.  Maybe it is because we keep the […]

My Mama’s Hands

Journaling this week, pausing for a thought, it dawned on me; I have my mama’s hands. I see the shape of my fingers, the lines, the softness, and even the calluses. It may be wishful thinking on my part; after all, my mama is my guiding light. I pinch myself when I think or speak […]


‘Happy is as happy does…drink a beer just because…laugh and live with a half-full cup’, these are a few lyrics from a Kenny Chesney song and, lucky for me, mirror my life lately. Yep, toes in the sand and hanging with my favorite people, laughing and living my best life. There was a tiny interruption […]

The Circus

Thing 2, my sixteen-year-old is a typical teenager. He is a phone-obsessed, fantasy football all-knowing, music-loving, friend-centric nugget of joy. And like many kids, school is his least favorite responsibility. Here’s a recap of a conversation we had this week:

Hallmark Moments

My Tribe I am a gypsy, moving to unfamiliar places every few years. For some, this might be daunting, but to me, it is exhilarating as I welcome and thrive in the unknown. It helps that the universe always steers and places me in the path of the most incredible women. What starts as a […]

Love ALL

To know me is to know that I love tennis. I enjoy the competition and am grateful for the friendships that have grown on the courts. As a novice, getting better every day is my jam.  Lately, I have been itching to inject newness and unfamiliarity into my game. So, when asked to join a […]

I See You

Dear Me, I am sorry if I sometimes held you back with self-doubt and falsehoods. I know I caused you grief worrying about things–that never came to be, wasting time swimming in a sea of ‘what if‘ ignoring the whispers and nudge from the universe. I am sorry that it took me this long to […]

Main Street League

Illuminator ToGETherJOY is a self-discovery journey. It is about taking the time to look inward and gain knowledge and understanding of our character and feelings. To reflect and work towards the person we want to become as we discover our dharma (purpose). The practice of reflection is vital and better served when we combine this […]

Choose JOY

I am not sure what is going on, but lately, there has been a lot of chatter on nutrition and fitness. Maybe it’s linked to the change of season. Last week, I witnessed my family compartmentalize food into Yes and NO columns for the first time ever. It turns out many of them have turned […]


Chew on this, my takeaways after a roller-coaster week… Boys are less complicated Period. It’s true; women complicate things. I should know; I am a woman. I am guilty of overthinking, planning, over everything. I reserve this level of crazy for areas in my life outside my boys. I established a no-crazy zone with my […]

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