Living & Learning Enrichment Center

Drop the MIC We are in full planning mode as Thing 2, aka my youngest, prepares to graduate from high school. College decisions, spring break wanderlust, and grad preparations. And while academics are important – I leave that to capable educators, my role as his mama is to expose him to the world outside our […]

Kindle Her Spirit

Let go of the past and light up that spark inside your soul! With courage as your guide, you can create a fearlessly bright future.


I get to is a magical mindset shift


Peloton fan? FB group member? This post is for you! Hear how one woman got hardcore on the floor and left her excuses behind.


Feeling lost and uncertain of what to do next? Overwhelmed by decisions? Keep going–the treasures you seek are within you.

Self-Care Matters

self care matters, listening attentively to inner being is not selfish

Let’em Play

I spent years schlepping my boys from one field to another for sports, tossing paper bags filled with less-than-healthy meals to the back seat. The trunk of my SUV turned locker room on wheels. Housing cleats, Gatorade bottles, muddy socks, folding chairs, and sports bags with horrendous odors. Gag alert, often begging the question, is […]


The Service We gather in the waiting family area, preparing for the somber walk to the chapel. There’s an air of formality and politeness that feels stifling. The pastor says something that sets me on edge. I want to lash out, ‘Who the fuck are you? You didn’t even know him,’ I don’t; instead, I […]


Jitterbug-(1)The first chord of emotion to play immediately at the thought of change;(2) A mixology of fear and excitement. The idea alone gives one the jitterbug. (3) The complete swing of emotions associated with change. (4) Simultaneously terrifying and dreamy. The Head Game Okay, I’ll play; I’ll take ‘Moods’ for $200. Hoping to crack a […]


T-minus to D-Day, a.k.a the dreadful college drop-off, has officially commenced. The date has been circled in my calendar all summer with anticipation. My peeps dutifully and not so eloquently warn me; that letting go sucks and walking away blows. So, of course, I brace myself for the worse, for sorrow to swallow me whole—yet […]

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