Daughters of Giants

We are Daughters of Giants
their strength, dreams, and fight in our veins.
dare to exist boldly, vast and unapologetic
Not a whisper lost in the storm,

Done Is Better Than Perfect

Done is better than perfect. What are you waiting for, go after your dreams,#BADE Be Anything, Do Everything you desire.


Your win’s my glow, your spark, your light, Your name’s my cheer, loud and clear, Your back I’ve got, no doubt, no fear Clapping so loud, fists reach to the skyNo shade, just love and genuine praise,fixing each others crown in the cosmic hazeRespect and trust, our bond pure gold, Glow up together, our stories […]

The F*ckery of Fake Feminism: It’s Time for Real Sisterhood

We all know the staged social media posts overflowing with “#womensupportingwomen” hashtags. But beneath the curated feeds often lies a harsh reality: performative feminism. It’s a frustrating charade filled with empty praise and a silent refusal to offer genuine support.

This fakery is not only disingenuous to the ideals of sisterhood, but it also disrespects the legacy of the strong women who came before us. We deserve better than this shallow performance.


in my palma single snowflakeunique and delicatesparkling in sunshineyet melting in lonelinesstoo magical to vanishtenderly I surrenderto the fallen snowfor comfort and strengtha tiny snowball nowrolling alongside me soon more snowflakesno two alikeas the snowball expandsmore friends eager to join rolling downhilla snowballgrowing with love by a million little flakestogether living and learning-Mic

Wounded Bird

Victim Narcissist: Breaking free from the web proved difficult. The more I tried, the more tangled it became. Gaslighting escalated into elaborate narratives spun with unmatched skill.

I Am Sorry

Lesson learned from saying, I am sorry.

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