Lessons from a trip around the sun: pause, reflect, redirect 

2023 was my year of YAS! and it was seriously amazing! Turning fifty took my experiences to the next level, and I learned some profound stuff. Looking back, I’m feeling proud of myself. I took some giant leaps and stumbled, but I mostly kept going. 

So here are the top lessons from 2023. I hope they help pave your path for a smooth 2024.

Lesson 1: Believe them the first time #truth

Maya Angelou said it best: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” This quote resonated with me, but it hit home this year. I’ve learned to pay attention to actions, not just words. Please don’t wait for a flashing neon sign; trust your instincts and believe them the first time.

Lesson 2: No is a gift.

Rejection hurts, but this year, I’ve learned to embrace it. Unanswered prayers can be blessings in disguise. Instead of letting ‘no’ bring me down, I use it to fuel my motivation. Each ‘no’ redirects me towards something better, and I am grateful for the opportunities they bring.

The trick is quickly navigating through the crashing waves of pain and disappointment. Recover and get to the other side of rejection, where the waters calm, and you’ll find yourself floating gently toward something better.

News flash: bad things happen to good people–all the time. Handling your shit is all about speeding up the process (mindset shift) from “Why is this happening to me?” to “This is happening for me.”

When the circus shows up in your life (AKA shit show), handle it! Instead of dwelling on why it’s happening to you, focus on what you can control. Take charge of your response and become the ringmaster of your circus. 

Life is a journey, and sometimes it means saying goodbye to people who no longer serve us. Just like a train arriving at a new destination, sometimes you need to swing the doors open of your life and let people off your train. Not everyone in your life is meant to be a passenger for life. Part ways, with love and peace, make room for new connections. 

Life is a marathon, and we each have our own pace. Don’t slow down for others or expect them to keep up with you. Run your race and find fulfillment without judging or imposing expectations on others. Eventually, you’ll find those who share your vision and run alongside you.

Voila, my top five lessons from 2023!

Here’s to another trip around the sun filled with growth and wisdom!


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