Did you know that more than half of women have abandoned their dreams? It may seem unbelievable, but it’s true. This shocking fact has left me with countless questions and a burning desire to uncover the answers.

How is this possible? Are we instilling the same confidence in our girls that my mother instilled in me? I remember her words as she tucked me into bed: “Anything boys can do, you can do better.”

And while we agree that girls are just as capable as boys, society imposes different expectations on women. We go from dreamers to givers, channeling our energy into others instead of ourselves. Our inner fire slowly fades, leaving us holding a dream catcher for everyone else.

Think about it – how many women do you know who are living their dreams? Most likely, many of them have unfulfilled aspirations. I’ll admit, I’m guilty of this too.

But here’s the real kicker – men rarely give up on their dreams. It’s no surprise, considering society – primarily women- makes it easier for them to pursue their goals. It’s time to change that. It’s time to empower women to reignite their dreams.

That’s why I’ve joined forces with incredible women to create spaces where dreams can thrive. Together, we’re building a stage for women to amplify their voices and reignite their passions. No matter who they are or where they come from, we’ve got their backs. We’re handing them the mic and encouraging them to shine. Let’s ‘glow up’ together.

Creating a social movement to empower women is no small task. It requires deep self-reflection, personal growth, and unwavering commitment. It’s like planting seeds of possibilities that take a long time to bloom. And to be honest, patience isn’t my strongest trait.

Forever and a day takes time. So, as I fidget and nervously wait for the fruits of my labor, aka my passion project, to take root, I pause, reflect, and redirect.


When doubts arise or obstacles block my path, I remind myself to pause and reflect on my purpose. I check in with myself and remember why I started this journey.


Ouch: It hurts when not everyone understands or supports my mission, even those closest to me.

Double ouch: Many of these people are women… what, what, what? (yup, you’re reading this correctly – women!) It’s perplexing and leaves me depleted.

Triple ouch: My ego gets a massive blow, and I find myself icing my ‘black eye.’ Boy, am I good at taking things personally and even get a little whiny. Dang it, I’ve shown up for her, I’ve supported her, blah, blah, blah.

It’s easy to want to make this about me; is it my message? My posturing? My insecurities? Or maybe a lack of alignment?… and then I remember, nope, don’t have time for this, leave it. It’s okay; it’s not about me. I can’t be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay.

Bonus Reflection:

Dang, look at all that are all in. Look how many are joining the stage, taking the mic, and reclaiming their dreams. Look at the newcomers that have shown up in my life.


It’s tough but necessary. I’ve learned that growth often requires leaving behind what no longer serves me. I’ve outgrown certain beliefs, relationships, and even parts of myself. Leaving behind people, in particular, makes me do a double take. In my heart, I want all of us to keep growing together; it is simply impossible.

But instead of dwelling on what I leave behind, I redirect my focus and keep moving forward. This path is the only way for me to fulfill my calling. I also find solace in knowing their lack of alignment does not define me or my purpose.

Looking back, I’ve had to let go of my ego, hurt feelings, and negativity. They have no place in my empowered journey towards fulfillment. Stepping into my power allows me to rise above the noise and pave the way for all women seeking empowerment.

So, I return to tending my garden, watering my seeds, and patiently waiting for them to take root.

Love & Light,


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