Drop the MIC

We are in full planning mode as Thing 2, aka my youngest, prepares to graduate from high school. College decisions, spring break wanderlust, and grad preparations. And while academics are important – I leave that to capable educators, my role as his mama is to expose him to the world outside our walls as much as possible.

To my delight, his college essay revealed an incredible journey of personal growth and discovery he experienced through participation in the Unified program, a peer-to-peer initiative designed for special needs students. It sparked something deep inside him, allowing compassion to deepen beyond what I could have ever taught. 

This revelation prompted me to contact Rachelle Vartanian, the founder, President, and CEO of Living and Learning Enrichment Center, a non-profit organization striving to enrich the lives of people with disabilities. 

Rachelle is remarkably inspiring. With an optimistic disposition and bold plans, she embodies the spirit of a ToGETherJOY Illuminator. See for yourself; this is her story.

Living & Learning Enrichment Center 

I am greeted warmly, mainly by a rush of students waiting for their rides, eager to engage. A queue of parents stretches as far as my eyes can see; volunteers escort students towards their cars, smiles on faces and friendly chatter warm my heart. “Hey guys, I am here to see Rachelle.‘ In the background, more faces -less interested in me, some in distant worlds away, others huddled in corners being comforted with peers’ whispers; the energy is undeniable; for many, this is home. 

I scurry up the grand staircase in search of Rachelle. I weave in and out with a giant bag in tow, trying my best not to knock any belongings over as I squeeze through their bustling space. Finally reaching her office, Rachelle welcomes me with an infectious smile and hug. Our casual acquaintance through 100 Women Who Care Northville instantly blooms into a heartfelt connection among friends. And I get swept away by the story of a mama and her boy.

2000 Rachelle & Anthony

She held her bundle of joy tight to her chest, whispering all her hopes and dreams for his life. To explore the world without fear, full of curiosity and love –the exact wishes any mother carries for a newborn child:

Anthony, what a joy! With his ten little fingers and toes, tiny creases on knees, wrinkly nose resting lightly against her beating heart -and big brother, Ethan, eagerly waiting at home, she felt blessed and complete in their newfound love. 

His Special Wings

She couldn’t explain it but felt in her heart and saw it with her eyes- he was different. When he ran, his arms would energetically flutter like desperate wings, and he struggled to interact socially. Everywhere they went, she felt the heavy presence of apology and defense. Bystanders with judgmental eyes looking down at their unique bond while simultaneously projecting pity – two emotions confusingly tangled while packing painful punches.

At Last

At age five, after long and emotional years of struggling to make sense of it, Anthony was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. The puzzle pieces began to come together, yet too many unanswered questions remained. For Rachelle, the diagnosis served as an impetus for a deeper understanding; soon, she sought out knowledge in the form of another master’s degree – this one dedicated solely to understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

Questions: What Happens When I Die? 

As parents, we grapple with enormous challenges while having the same goal: to help our kids live purposeful and courageous lives. Yet, we undervalue the additional layers of concerns parents of special needs often battle in silence.

Rachelle recalls her heartbreak when she realized that not all children are afforded the same opportunities to thrive. As Anthony reached lower school, it became increasingly evident that there are two paths in life: one for “normal” children filled with joyous experiences such as sleepovers and birthday parties; the other for special needs, less traveled, with few resources, services, and support. 

And while most parents worry about their children making the sports team and fitting in, special needs families are often left wondering if anyone will even offer a friendly hello. In truth, special needs children are ignored by their peers. Social rejection naturally increases anxiety, depression, jealousy, and sadness. A recurring theme that damages the soul leaves many with a lingering question—is it possible to die from loneliness

Balancing Act

Rachelle was overcome with emotion, recalling the challenges of parenting two children whose needs were vastly conflicting yet equally deserving of her love and attention. Ridden with guilt, Rachelle walked a tightrope, desperate to balance the pull of two worlds.

She spent many sleepless nights praying for answers, wrestling with the worries and questions, “What am I going to do? Who will take care of Anthony when I die? How can I get others to validate his being? Am I spending enough time with Ethan? How is this impacting his life?” She, too, felt like drifting on a raft, all alone, fading in the distance, dying of loneliness. 

2015 A Leap of Faith

In 2015, driven solely by her heart’s inner voice, Rachelle defied the odds and bet it all on a radical act of love. With no guarantee of success but boundless faith, she set on a path to change mindsets and grant opportunities. Rachelle sacrificed everything; she quit her job, sold her home, emptied her bank account, and borrowed from retirement, all on the notion that no matter how challenging, individuals deserve every chance to achieve their potential.

Committed to giving Anthony, and all children like him, the feeling of inclusion, she opened the doors to the Living and Learning Center with one program. As time passed, it became evident that there was more at stake with the awareness that special needs adults were often confined in their homes; they, too, lacked programs and services. Soon, Rachelle expanded her effort to assist those who required aid regardless of age.

Today- Buzzing with Opportunities

Today, Rachelle’s vision has created a sanctuary where no opportunity for growth is lost. Nestled alongside the fragrant fields of lavender in Northville, Michigan, lies an incredible 14-acre beacon of hope and potential: The Don Massey Estate. Here resides the Living and Learning Enrichment Center. A haven for those with disabilities that buzz not only with bees, chickens, and alpacas but also with opportunities. By offering supportive social skills training through age-appropriate activities, members can hone their life and job competencies so they may eventually live independently. 

Mic & Rachelle: Keep Going

Throughout my center tour, Rachelle stops to chat with students and staff, taking time to connect one-on-one. She radiates a warmth that makes everyone feel like family. In the bustling family room, young minds prepare for Dungeons & Dragons night, one of the many popular programs.

What keeps you going, I ask. Without batting an eye, “A safe space, inclusion, acceptance, and supporting the families. Ultimately, she adds the love and hugs I get from the members- there is nothing better

Rachelle leads me up the stairs to a bonus room, and I’m met with what can only be described as a masterpiece of dreams. Her vision board towers before us like mountains she is determined to climb one day at a time. She speaks about her expansion plans—constructing more buildings for vocational programs, buying an apartment complex across the street, obtaining two acres from local business owners—and her eyes light up; there’s more to do.

Reflection- A Snowball

Rachelle is surrounded by a fantastic team, community, and the support of partners who foster an emotional and uplifting energy. Many take part as a personal endeavor, while others are humbled by being able to be involved in something extraordinary. A spirit of kindness and a desire to make a difference guides them as each asks, “How can I be of service?”

She has overcome many trials and tribulations, yet surprisingly, the universe keeps finding ways to lend support. Strangers and friends appear at the right time to help out unexpectedly. Occasions too profound for words are Rachelle’s magical reminders that fate truly is on our side when times get tough.


in my palm
a single snowflake
unique and delicate

sparkling in sunshine
yet melting in loneliness
too magical to vanish

tenderly I surrender
to the fallen snow
for comfort and strength
a tiny snowball now
rolling alongside me 

soon more snowflakes
no two alike
as the snowball expands
more friends eager to join 

rolling downhill
a snowball
growing with love 
by a million little flakes
together living and learning



Now, at 22, Anthony is living independently, thriving, and working with ambitions of finding love. He embraces who he wants to be, not as a poster child for any movement but simply as a person ready to live out his dreams unapologetically.

Standing nearby in awed admiration, a grateful mama. The little boy she loved very much has grown into a man she loves even more with determined and courageous wings.


For so many, fear holds dreams hostage, but it also has the potential to ignite a fire. Rachelle found the flame inside her to stand for something greater than herself and to make an impactful difference in this world with a single question, “What change can I bring?”

I discovered that Rachelle loves documentaries – after our time together, I am convinced- one day soon, we will all be watching a documentary about how a mama and her boy designed the blueprint for a national organization for teens and adults with disabilities that transformed the lives of millions, challenging and creating a ripple effect for positive change.

Thank you, Rachelle, and the entire team at Living & Learning Enrichment Center for your devotion and for working tirelessly to merge the lanes of possibilities by creating a haven that brings together those who were once overlooked and pushed to the margins of society.

Keep illuminating the path forward with your giant snowball; the world needs you.

Xo- Mic

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0 Responses

  1. Beautiful job sharing Rachelle’s journey and who she authentically is as a visionary for hope. Thank you! You captured how love and truth work together to achieve what so many would believe is otherwuse impossible. With God..as we well know, ALL things are possible!

  2. Wow! As one of the most tenured employees at LLEC, I have heard, read, and told Rachelle’s story many times. Never, until now, has the beauty of the subject matter been equaled by the style of the storytelling from a secondhand source. Thank you so much for reaching out, joining our wondrous journey, and vividly and perfectly capturing the essence of what Rachelle, LLEC, and our extended community are all about.

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