feeling lost and overwhelmed and discovering the power to be and do anything is within ourselves

I see you
my enchanted mermaid
astounded by coral
evading the seaweed

Trust your breath
splash in the waves with curiosity 
wild & free

Not all stars live in the sky
dive deep for treasures
that light your spirit

In the depths of the ocean
you'll discover
the pearl that you seek 
is found within 

To my mermaid, you are spectacular.
Keep swimming in the direction of your dreams.
Love You Mucho!

P.S. The magic is YOU; it was always YOU.


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0 Responses

  1. Well said- as usual!
    From one Aunt to another, there are few things more gratifying to me than being an Auntie. My heart beams with love & pride for my 13 nieces & nephews, 3yrs-34yrs! “Auntie Jen” is a huge part of my identity💜

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