If you want to learn anything- and I mean anything that elevates my brow or is muddled in my world, I am likely to put pen to paper.


And so it was that my muddled dance this week embodied a nosedive onto my hardwood floors. Ouch, Yup, one minute I was upright; the next, I woke drooling on the floor. Disoriented, it took me a minute to register that I had fainted. My body and brain switched to slo-mo; what the heck just happened? Rubbing my throbbing head, disgusted by the slobber on my chin. Did I snog the floor?

Luckily, the incident coincided with my annual physical. Typically I wouldn’t say I like going to the doctor but bearing in mind the inappropriate French kiss with the floor; I was eager for a complete workup. Plus, my Doc is a pro. I so appreciate her ability to thoroughly explore my nooks and crannies and simultaneously carry on with the chit-chat that distracts me.

I’d Rather…well, lots of things.

What are you writing about this week? she asked. Hmm, this awkward moment. Lying on an exam table barely covered, letting you do and put things in my body that I’d kick anyone else in the face if they tried. We both laughed! Seriously, what else should a girl do with her legs in stirrups getting her vajajay examined? 

After an hour of getting poked and prodded, I was on my way, swag bag in hand. The older I get the more diagnostic tests and procedures to endure. This time, I walked away with a mammogram script; excellent, so fun to have my breasts squished between two plates as if gravity isn’t enough- let’s make sure the girls droop a bit more and squash them! And bonus, a colonoscopy script —woot, woot! (Said no one ever!)  

I poke fun, but the truth is that after going through childbirth, there isn’t much that phases me. Strangers seeing my parts? No big deal. Intimate moments? Child’s play. It takes a lot to get worked up after giving birth. So, even though It’s not fun per se,  it’s necessary. The temporary discomfort is well worth staying on top of good health.

Sigh, the good news is that my fall was a result of a dangerous concoction: one part virus, one part insufficient nutrients, two parts suppressed stress, and three parts too many yesses and not enough no’s.

Like many women, I push my needs aside and bury my emotions to ensure that the people around me are cared for. In my desire to stay afloat, I ignored the signs and forged ahead. Depleted and out of gas, I crashed.

My Pillars

What remains is a visible bump on my noggin. I’m alright with it; it’s a daily reminder to honor myself; mostly, it’s the nudge I needed, my inner voice, ‘girl, remember your To-GET-her JOY pillars‘, Listen, Learn, Share, Grow and Illuminate

  • Listen– My body, heart, and inner being are constantly communicating. In this case, the emotional baggage I bottled up became overwhelming.  
  • Learn– To be still. Slow down. I can’t serve others in an empty tank. Learn to care for me first. Say no; NO is a complete sentence.
  • Share– Communicate-‘I need a minute – you’ll quickly discover who your tribe is. The peeps that show up  (really show up) might surprise you. 
  • Grow– Like water is to a flower, tears are to my soul; to fully bloom requires I release it and show myself grace.  
  • Illuminate– the path forward lives in my truths. 

Be well, sisters! The life you work tirelessly to protect and care for needs you to stay upright, healthy, and strong. Do you have pillars in place to avoid the plunges? How are you showing up for yourself? Self-care is not selfish-take care of yourself.

Love U Mucho,

PS. It’s October, don’t forget to get your boobies squashed.  

Know someone who is wound up tight? Perhaps you need a little nudge to Listen, Learn, Share, Grow & Illuminate. SHARE THIS POST (PLEASE)


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