We’ve all heard the sayings: “Silence is golden,” “Silence is a virtue,” and “Silence is bliss.” Sometimes, it is better to keep your mouth shut. And hey, there’s truth to that! Knowing when to hold back shows maturity and wisdom.

But here’s the kicker: most of us aren’t using silence as a mindful pause; it’s more like a relationship Band-Aid. Think about the last time you went radio silent on someone. Was it a Zen master move, or were you simmering in anger, frustration, or sadness? I bet you chose silence because it seemed easier, right? Well, we often use silence as a shield to avoid feeling.

The problem with the silent treatment is that it lets everyone rewrite history in their heads. Stewing in silence allows emotions to fester and grow, often leading to misunderstandings and unnecessary drama. Bottling things up creates more problems, adding fuel to the fire.

So, what’s the better option? Ditch the Jedi mind tricks and go forth and communicate like a grownup (AKA Adulting). Remove that Band-Aid and embrace the power of open, healthy communication. While there are times when silence is appropriate, it’s a recipe for disaster in our relationships with loved ones. 

Say it, mean it, work it out — or agree to disagree and move on! Protect your energy, boo.

Xo- Mic

Mic’s Tips:

Spill the Tea, But Keep it Sweet: Speak your truth! Share how you feel, but sprinkle it with kindness. Remember, honey catches more flies than vinegar (and probably avoids more arguments, too).

Be a Listening Ninja: Pay attention like your life depends on it. Don’t plan your rebuttal while they talk – truly listen and show you care about their side of the story.

“I” Statements: Your Communication BFF: Instead of pointing fingers, use “I” statements to own your feelings. So ditch the “you always” and try “I feel frustrated when…” It’s a game-changer!

Chill Out, Even When You Want to Flip Out: Chill, even if things get heated. Take a deep breath, count to ten—whatever works for you. Remember, a calm conversation leads to better results than a shouting match.

Boundaries: Your Superpower: Know when to say “peace out” and revisit the conversation later. You don’t have to solve everything right this second. Protect your energy, boo!

Follow-Up: Show You Care: Check in with the other person after a tough talk. Make sure everything is clear, and nobody’s left feeling steamy. A little follow-up shows you value the relationship.


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