I am an emotional and intuitive empath. This is my superpower, and it is a gift and a curse. I can feel and take on the emotions of others. My peeps know this about me. I am the one pulling people aside; hey, what’s going on? Are you ok? Your energy is off. A sigh of relief typically follows, and the unburden begins. I have laid in bed feeling sick with no apparent symptoms, only to find out my sister across the country is battling a case of the flu. My superpower also gives me the ability to see past the B.S. and see people for who they really are. It doesn’t hurt that I am an active listener and keen observer. I need to be careful; carrying the emotions of others can physically drain me. The bonus of my superpower is that I can quickly identify human gems. The type of people that sparkle bright. Not with their words per se, but with their eyes, their soul, with their actions. 

Did you know that there are different types of empaths? There are earth, physical, dream, plant, and animal empaths. The ones that intrigue me are animal empaths. It is not a secret that I lack connection with four-legged creatures. I am in awe of the bond animal empaths have with furry friends. Surely you have noticed how animal empaths change the moment an animal is in its sphere. I watch as humans lean to the floor, their voice takes on a high-pitch tone, their shoulders drop, smiles emerge, and for a split moment, all worries seem to disappear. It’s incredible to observe, and I am at a loss.

Lately, I am focused on sending rockets of desire to the universe, asking for things that bring me joy. My wish for ToGETher JOY is to expose women who are positively impacting our community, to shine the light back on illuminators. See, I am curious about what makes people selfless, what makes illuminators tick? Where does the giving spirit come from? I want to understand the root of it. I am conducting my own research, and I am hoping to discover a common denominator. Maybe, I’ll get lucky and can figure out a way to replicate whatever ‘IT’ is that makes people give. And maybe, just maybe, we can inject this ‘IT’ thing like a vaccine and change the trajectory of humanity. Can you imagine a world in which we all give more? More compassion, more kindness, more love. Well, the universe delivered, and my rockets of desire led me into the arms of animal whisperers. This human empath got a glimpse of how these animals empaths GET their JOY.


Malnourished, battered, neglected, and in critical condition is how they found him. Most would have given up on him. ‘It’s too late, he’s too damaged, put him out of his misery,’ they would say. Lucky for G, that’s not how this crew rolls. Fortunate for G that this crew keeps the rules of engagement simple, if there is breath, there is hope, and today G, you are breathing, today there is hope.


I am not supposed to tell you about M. She has no interest in being in the spotlight; She does not require praise. Of course, M is precisely who I aim to expose, women doing extraordinary things to make this world a better place. M likes to fly under the radar; she wants to keep her cape tucked away. But I, too, have a superpower… Illuminators can’t hide from me.

M has a gorgeous smile. She’s married to her love and a mama to three busy kids. M is not interested in talking about the revolving door she has installed in her home to foster dogs. She doesn’t want to talk about her family’s vital role in caring and loving animals as they wait for adoptive families to be identified. M doesn’t want to talk about the countless dogs (150 plus) she has fostered or that her family has dedicated much of their free time to acts of service.

I am not supposed to focus on M and that she, too, has adopted pets. I probably shouldn’t mention that M is avidly aiming to heal humans from considerable trauma with therapy animals. That M has some great ideas on using animals in the criminal justice system to deescalate intense situations. M knows firsthand the power of animals, and I can’t wait for her rockets of desire to land.

Ok, M, I won’t reveal you. Instead, I will heed your advice and focus on real heroes like Lauren. I suppose it makes no sense to point out that for Lauren, to be effective, requires a landing spot. And that you, M, have created the most beautiful, comfortable, and loving runway. 

I will have to get creative. How shall I write about George, Maddy, Jessie, Lauren without mentioning that M is the bridge to all these illuminators? That M is the connector. The common thread that weaves in and out of so many happily ever after stories. I am used to fluffing people’s capes, and M wants me to tuck it away? I suppose this is what people call a conundrum.


“This is what we do,” simple words spoken by her father, a call to action, to always do the right thing. Words that have shaped who she is, words that set the tone for her days, have an enormous impact.

Lauren is not hiding; she’s too busy to hide. The work she does is too important. This woman is on a mission to save as many animals as possible. Her stunning eyes give us a glimpse of her soul; she is kind; she is compassionate; she has a heart of gold; this is indisputable.

How many have you saved? I ask. She is quiet. She ponders my question. She struggles to come up with an answer. Finally, she answers, ‘a lot’.

I sense that she means like too many to count by her answer. I get it; it’s not like that for her; she isn’t running a tally; she’s not trying to earn her stripes… this is just what she does.

I also realize that this is not a great question to ask Lauren. It’s not specific enough. I need to ask, how many have you personally adopted? How many have you removed from unthinkable situations? How many pet owners have you educated? How many have you picked up from the streets, abandoned? How active are you on social media to spread the word and inspire others to act? How many have died in your arms? How many times have you been the first human to show compassion to an abused animal? Although I am sure it is still not quantifiable, not even for an actuarial science person (Lauren’s previous occupation…I had to look that up… the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk- ok, Lauren is a numbers gal) for you see, the answer remains, it is A LOT of animals.

Lauren, a girl born with a cleft palate, a girl perhaps wounded by strangers’ looks and cruel words, offers a glimpse of her childhood. But what Lauren has always had is pure love from her family. And since love always wins, Lauren learned to give it away freely and easily, in particular to animals. No doubt that Lauren has an enormous reservoir of empathy towards what most consider broken; she can see beyond broken, and honestly is what makes her so remarkable.  

Lauren volunteers for P.O.E.T. (Pet Ownership Education Team). POET’s primary goal is to educate pet owners on proper care and the growing problem of pet overpopulation. She is a modern-day activist with the perfect blend of compassion and realism. She spends her days working as a pediatric occupational therapist and her ‘free’ time serving animals. And by free time, I mean 20-25 hours a week caring for wounded animals and/or advocacy work on behalf of P.O.E.T.

I ask her, how do you not get attached to every animal you rescue? She smiles, ‘oh, that’s easy; of course, I get hooked, but I also know there so many more to save, so my joy is in knowing that I have brought justice to their lives by ensuring that we place them in a forever home.’ That is pure joy to Lauren. Her compassion is contagious, her connection to animals is palpable.

Lauren is a healer; it is her calling. Rescuing dogs is part of her world. She’s used to getting her breath knocked out of her; she’s accustomed to witnessing the aftermath, the cruelty. She’s been here before, too many times, but she can see beyond broken; if there is breath, there is hope. That is how she discovered George, anchored to hope.


He knew from the moment Lauren locked eyes with him, those piercing eyes of hers, the way she gently laid her hand on him, the soft tone on her voice as she spoke to him. He knew; he could finally rest his eyes. He was safe.


This brown-eyed beauty is spunky and loaded with energy. The apple does not fall far from the tree, she, too, is an empath. She’s got her mama’s heart with an added layer of entrepreneurship. A ‘mini me’ dreaming up significant ways to marry profit and giving. What else do you do when you are twelve years old and come from a family who has dedicated much of their free time to enrich their community through service. Of course, you develop a business plan to sell merchandise with part of the proceeds to benefit a charity close to your heart. Well, that’s what Maddy does. And she does it superbly well. Her Etsy shop, GlossbossByMaddy, is filled with fun creations personally designed and manufactured by Maddy. 33 % of proceeds are donated to P.O.E.T.

Why do you do this, I ask her? It’s just what we do in our family; we are blessed, so we help others. Plus, it turns out she really loves animals like genuinely loves them…. hmm, where have I heard this before? Could it be that I am identifying a pattern? Could it be that our children are watching that they are listening and are molded by our words? Could it be that we could use this as a launching pad? Is it as simple as ‘it’s just what we do,’ we help, we do, we give, we are part of the solution? 

George & Jessie

G is living his best life. G received the medical treatment he desperately needed and was placed with his forever family. They aren’t quite sure of his age. He doesn’t have all his teeth; it’s clear that at some point, he tried to chew his way out of somewhere, and all that remains is nubs. Jessie, his adoptive mom guesses he is 10-12 years old, although the stronger he gets, the younger he looks.

Jessie gets emotional talking about G. She confesses that she wasn’t sure if he would make it. But that she refused to think in those terms; instead, her approach from day one was to love him as hard as she could. She didn’t care if she had him for one day or a year; she would make sure G knew what love feels like. And she did, she poured love, so much love on him. She tells him, ‘G, your painful years were not in vain. We will use your story to help other dogs who are suffering; to raise awareness; to remind others not to give up, to never give up.’ If there is breath, there is hope.  

I ask Jessie to share photos, like a proud mama; she unloads. Look at him enjoying ice cream; this was our Christmas photo, this is him playing at the park, this is at church. Jessie transforms in front of me; she becomes that person, a bond so strong, a love so deep. One I am finally starting to understand.

If I was writing a children's story....

There once was a little girl with a daddy who taught her how to love and to do right in this world
The little girl grew up to be a superhero and rescues animals
The superhero puts on her cape and rescues G from the evil witch
G lands in Marilyn's magical castle and is loved by Maddy, the fairy princess
Maddy spreads her wings and develops a business to raise money and awareness for animal rescue
Jessie, the fairy godmother adopts G and pours giant buckets of love
G spends the rest of his days eating ice cream and getting belly rubs
They all live happily ever after
The End

This is a clip of how Lauren discovered George.

Where there is breath, there is hope.


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0 Responses

  1. I have my own sweet George, (Ernie) and I love him to pieces! Thank you ladies for all you are doing to care for and LOVE our 4 legged friends! It takes a very special person to take the Broken and reassemble, you are those people – You are all so special and the world needs more of YOU! ❤️🦴🐾🦮

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