Done Is Better Than Perfect

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda—

My biggest fear is reaching the end of life stuck on the sidelines, holding a bag of someday regrets.

To all the mamas waiting for the stars to align, the perfect moment, and the ideal version of yourself to show up—that bus you’re waiting for isn’t coming.

Every second spent waiting for the ‘right time’ is wasted. The perfect moment does not exist. The only moment is now. Done is better than perfect.

Wake up, Sleeping Beauties! This isn’t a waiting game for a prince’s kiss. Take action—messy, imperfect, bold action—

Your voice, ambition, magic—write the first sentence, sketch the first line, and make the call.

Be brave enough to fail, to make mistakes, and to get it wrong. Allow yourself to stumble, to learn, and to grow.

Not being good at something now vastly differs from not being good at something yet.

We plant seeds of possibility in our kiddos, “Try all things, be all things,” we say. But somewhere along the way, we stop believing that about ourselves.

Why not you? Why not your dreams and desires? What if you haven’t even scratched the surface? What if your greatest joy lies on the other side of your limiting beliefs? What if YOU are the only thing in the way to your wildest dreams?

It is time to wake up, sleeping beauty.

Done is better than perfect- Get ‘er done!



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