A Crash Course in Joy- A Note from Mic

Listen, I get it. My constant chatter about joy seems repetitive, annoying, and even eye-roll-worthy. “There she goes again, talking about joy.”

But my heart genuinely aches for women to discover their deep wells of joy, that spark that ignites passion and fulfillment. It’s not just about fleeting happiness; it’s about feeling genuinely alive and empowered to chase our dreams and #BADE (Be Anything, Do Everything!).

Why the big focus on women and their JOY meter? Let me explain.

Your JOY meter is a metaphor for your overall sense of happiness and fulfillment. When it’s high, you feel alive, passionate, and empowered. You may feel stuck, unfulfilled, or lacking empowerment when it’s low.

In other words, women’s joy meter is at an all-time low, resulting in women playing small. I know, it’s not exactly a Taylor Swift anthem. But watching the recent political debates solidified my purpose. Here’s the deal: we, as women, deserve better than, well, I’ll say it, that shit show. The candidates on stage do not represent who we are in the slightest. Period.

It’s not just about the two older white men, though their rhetoric can be frustrating and depressing. We need more women taking up space, using their voices, and being bold. It’s time for us to be seen and heard. Unfortunately, those who do often feel they must be harsh to be credible, another issue we must address.

The blame game is not getting us anywhere. While the patriarchy played a role—sure, it was their fault for a long time, but now what? How long are we going to use this excuse? We must take accountability for our part—or lack thereof—we have stayed quiet, been polite, and accepted things as is for way too long. It’s time to get in the game. And by play, I simply mean taking up space, using our voice, and making some noise (the good kind) because taking accountability puts us in control of our destiny.

I understand the barriers and self-limiting beliefs. I get all of it. I know that prioritizing oneself can feel impossible with the busyness of life.

Tapping into your JOY (fulfillment) has immense rewards.


So, here’s your shortcut (you’re welcome): my cheat sheet to discovering JOY, distilled from five decades of trial and error (and way too many self-help books). Honestly, I made it way more complicated than necessary, but schlepping through the mud was essential to uncovering these gems.

Look, here’s the truth (and maybe a little selfish on my part): When you find your joy, you become a force to be reckoned with. Empowered, passionate women—that’s what the world needs right now. So, take these lessons, cultivate that joy, and light it up, Sleeping Beauties! It’s time to wake up and slay—ugh, so cliche, but #truth.

Loves you, Mic

10 Keys to Sparking JOY

1. Every struggle has two sides: despair and resilience. Despair keeps you stuck, while resilience makes you unstoppable. Choose your perspective (lens) carefully. Beauty can be found even in pain if you look for it. Life will undoubtedly throw sucker punches but believe that every struggle happens for you, not to you. This resilience ultimately leads to joy, the golden nugget of a richer human experience.

#MicDrop: Life throws shade. Unavoidable. Victim or warrior, you decide.  

2. Find Your Equanimity: Equanimity is mental calmness, composure, and an even temper. Reacting is fleeting; responding allows thoughtful action. It unlocks peace, freedom, and, ultimately, joy.

#MicDrop: Ah, no shit, my boy Shetty is always so damn calm! It is a simple concept but harder to practice. Chillax, it's not about you- it rarely is. Stop reacting.

3. Ditch the Hero Cape: Fix everything? You’ll burn out and steal joy from yourself and others. Stop playing the hero in everyone else’s story. Start playing hero in yours.

#MicDrop: Girl, retire the cape. It was great at first, but now it's just making you irritable, exhausted, and not fun to be around. I'm curious—why is there a need to save the day? What hole in your universe are you trying to fill—loneliness, wanting to feel useful, survival on co-dependence? Yeah, figure it out because the cape doesn't suit you--it's not your color.

4. Know Yourself: Confidently express your wants, desires, beliefs, and dreams. Don’t apologize. You can’t find joy without knowing what makes you feel good. Love yourself enough to use your voice and occupy space—not for validation but for fulfillment. It all starts with self-love, a powerful force that makes you unique and significant.

#MicDrop: How the heck are you going to be happy and fulfilled if you can't even answer a straightforward question: What do you want? This is on you, no one else, so own it, figure it out, say it, and start living it.

5. Stop Comparing: A glance is fine, but staring leads to crashes. Stay focused on your path. Embrace your magic, voice, and beauty.

#MicDrop: You'll never be HER. More importantly, she'll never be YOU. That's right, girl. A greater force created your special sauce. Stop hiding and show the world what you are made of because your individuality makes you unique and special.

6. Trust Your Gut: Maya Angelou said it best: “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” Cut the energy vampires loose and evict the joy stealers from your life.

#MicDrop: you know who the f*ck they are. Buh-bye. Transaction denied. You can't play here anymore.

7. Let Go: Let them judge, hate, or disagree – you can’t control others. As Mel Robbins says, “Let ’em.” Let go of trying to control others.

#MicDrop: Taylor knows it, haters gonna hate, players gonna play,
let 'em, boo, keep on cruisin' (shake it off); can't, won't change their opinion, actions, choice, so let 'em.

8. Believe in Yourself: You can achieve anything you want. Study successful people – they all started with belief. Belief drives you past obstacles and excuses.

#MicDrop: You have to BELIEVE. #BADE Be Anything, Do Everything! The only difference between you and them (people living their dreams) is that they believed harder. Believe it so much that you become it.

9. Embrace Impermanence: Everything changes. Nothing in life is permanent. Everything that comes also goes; everything that lives also dies.

#MicDrop: "The only constant in life is change" (Heraclitus). The bad news, everything changes. But here's the good news: you have the power to change too. It's not if things change; it's when. Knowing this is a gift, the NOW is the moment.

10. Eulogy Now: Don’t wait to say what’s in your heart. Tell the people you love how much they mean to you. Send the flowers now. Don’t wait for a eulogy.

#MicDrop: I've been to too many funerals, and y'all missed the memo. Funerals aren't meant to be the place to express love for the first time—it's too late. Say it now.

These lessons took me decades to learn, but you don’t have to wait that long. Start applying these tips today, and your joy will multiply tenfold.

Every minute wasted is a missed chance to live the life you crave. I’m talking about happiness, fulfillment, joy—the whole shebang!

Here’s the real magic: These lessons all have you at the center. You hold the key to your joy meter. It’s an inside job, ladies!

Do Better, Be Better!




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