A note from Mic:

The term “Illuminator” holds a special place in my heart, thanks to my mama’s story. It’s not just a word; it’s a guiding principle, encouraging us to light the path for others.

Enter Linda Schlesinger-Wagner. Yes, admittedly, I have a massive girl crush. She embodies everything I strive to be: a catalyst for change, an impactful agent, a natural connector, and a devoted servant. Linda’s entrepreneurial spirit only adds to her amazingness.

Introduced by my business partner, Mel, Linda’s energy is infectious. But it’s her genuine kindness that truly shines. I may be just another face in Linda’s world, but she’s a beacon of hope in mine. Despite our limited interactions, she leaves a lasting mark, inspiring belief in what’s possible and advocating for women’s rights.

I’ve been trying to schedule a sit-down with Linda for over a year, but her time is like catching a firefly – challenging yet immensely rewarding. Why is she so elusive? It’s her humility. She feels spending hours talking about herself wastes time, aspiring instead to be a good human being, deepening my admiration.

I’m grateful for the chance to connect with her finally. During those magical hours, we dove deep into the very essence of joy. Linda, dear Linda, embodies joy in every fiber of her being – it’s as if she radiates it with every breath she takes! 

As I recount this extraordinary experience with you, I hope you can feel the love and warmth that surrounds her. This is just one chapter in her incredible journey, a chapter filled with love. So many more chapters are yet to be written, but from my perspective, this one shines the brightest. May it serve as a guiding light, leading you closer to the boundless beauty of One Love.


As I step inside, there she is, commanding the room in her favorite local spot. Linda is practically a legend here. She’s stunning with her striking blonde hair and sleek black attire from her Skinnytees line.

As we settle in, our conversation flows effortlessly. Being with Linda feels like reconnecting with an old friend. We discuss the importance of finding joy in life’s spaces, and naturally, the topic of dancing arises. Linda’s eyes sparkle with excitement as she imagines honing her moves, perhaps even mastering Shakira’s hip-shaking magic. And who knows? Maybe this will be the year she finally puts her incredible story into a book – trust me, with her wealth of wisdom, it’s bound to be a bestseller!

Amid our chat, she innocently interrupts, apologizing profusely. “I interrupt,” she adds, acknowledging her tendency. I realize it’s not rudeness; it’s her mind overflowing with ideas she can’t wait to share.

This relentless pursuit of self-awareness, learning, and growth is just one of the many things I admire about Linda. Even at the young age of seventy-plus, she approaches life with gusto, embracing every experience with open arms. She truly lives life to the fullest.

“What drives you?” I ask, intrigued. “Love,” she replies softly, letting the word linger. As I wonder aloud about her meaning of love, especially love for humanity, she gently interjects, emphasizing the simplicity of ‘just love.’ My analytical mind seeks a concrete, measurable answer, but for Linda, love defies quantification – it just is.

“Have you always been this way? Where does your innate ability to radiate effortless love come from? It’s rare, I add. 

“You know what?” she says, “I don’t think I’m special, and it shouldn’t be rare. I think I am what we are all supposed to be.” Her words strike a chord, reminding me that humanity may have missed the mark. She elaborates, “Most people got the wrong rule book; I think we are created to give love.”

As our conversation deepens, it becomes evident that for Linda, the essence of giving is woven into the very fabric of her being. To her, extending a helping hand is as natural as drawing breath. Delving into her past reveals the formative influence of her father, whom she adored and emulated. As his “little girl,” she absorbed his business understanding and compassion for others. Though she may not pinpoint the exact moment her altruistic spirit awakened, it’s undeniable that her father’s example planted seeds of generosity that would flourish in her own life. In Linda’s world, kindness isn’t just a choice; it’s an inheritance, a legacy passed down through generations.

“Do you ever feel drained from giving so much?” I ask. Her response is resolute, “No. Never.” And I can sense the sincerity in her words. What truly impresses me about Linda is her unwavering dedication. Once you’re within her sphere, she dedicates herself wholeheartedly to making a difference. She’s propelled by a genuine desire to bring meaning to people’s lives. And her knack for connecting people? It’s as if she orchestrates a symphony of collaboration.

Linda tirelessly works to bridge gaps, one meaningful connection at a time. Her generosity and keen observations of others taking center stage are remarkable, consistently uplifting those around her.

There’s an enchanting aura surrounding her, like a modern-day Fairy Godmother. While many know her as the mastermind behind the hugely successful Skinnytees clothing company in Birmingham, Michigan – a brand empowering women of all shapes, sizes, and ages – I’m drawn less to her entrepreneurial journey. It’s merely a surface-level aspect, overshadowing her true purpose: spreading love and magic wherever she goes—Linda is a change agent. 

Sure, she accomplishes remarkable feats at times, but what truly sets her apart is her belief in the power of small, kind gestures. She openly shares that these simple acts often yield the most significant rewards. The catch? She prefers to work her magic anonymously. Whether supporting someone battling cancer, aiding a single mom with gas money, or quietly assisting a struggling local business, Linda sprinkles her magic dust in secrecy.

It’s a gentle reminder that each of us holds the power to make a difference. While some may believe that grand gestures or large donations matter most, Linda knows better. The little things – a compassionate touch, a kind word – carry the most weight.

Love infuses our conversation, threading through stories of sorrow and hardship. She courageously shares her struggles – the ache of a broken heart and the weight of recent losses, both in friendships and family. It’s been a journey marked by trials and pain.

As I disclose my recent losses, a solemn hush envelops us. In that reverent silence, we both pause to contemplate the depth of our experiences. “How fortunate we are,” I whisper, “that our grief stems from loving deeply. Every moment of this journey has been worthwhile.”

She recounts the heartache of losing one of her dearest friends, who succumbed to injuries sustained in a devastating bike accident after a long battle. Despite the obstacles, Linda found a way for her love to reach through the pain, the discomfort, and the loneliness her friend endured. She stood by him, taking steps he couldn’t, her unwavering love revealing her strength and ability to uncover beauty even in the depths of suffering.

Indeed, joy arises from strength, and Linda possesses it abundantly. Her resilience, forged in the challenges of adolescence and familial complexities, is remarkable. She vividly recalls a time when anger towards her mother consumed her, triggered by her mother’s insistence that she witness her plea to her father regarding his alcohol abuse. Though he chose to seek help, it meant leaving their family, leaving Linda deeply hurt.

It wasn’t until Linda became a mother herself that she truly grasped the incredible strength her mother possessed. Witnessing her mother’s efforts to shield them and support her father in one heart-wrenching moment resonated deeply.

This experience instilled in Linda an unwavering strength, guiding her through tough times. Empowered, she left an unhappy marriage for a fresh start. Reflecting on her choice, she recalled saying, “I’d rather face singlehood and financial struggles with happiness than remain in a loveless marriage for the sake of appearances.”

Repeatedly, she summoned this strength during dark times, through deep bouts of depression and moments of despair. From those depths, she emerged stronger, holding firm to her belief in finding greater joy.

Today, her cup overflows with the presence of her children, grandchildren, many furry friends, extended family, and her beloved “girls,” as she affectionately calls her team members. But none is more cherished than her husband of eleven years, Paul.

“Does Paul ever feel jealous? Does he yearn to have you all to himself, to bask in the entirety of your love? I ask. “He’s got my heart,” she confides with a smile.

With a schoolgirl enthusiasm, she recounts their love story, remembering how they fell for each other over iced tea and white linen. Always the gentleman, it was she who initiated their first kiss. Over a decade later, Paul remains the epitome of chivalry, still surprising her with bouquets signed, “To Gorgeous, with Love.”

As she shares more intimate details of their love story, it becomes evident that Paul is her true equal in spirit. He gives his gorgeous gal all the space she needs to spread her fairy wings. Their bond is unmistakable.

A simple compass lies at the heart of her being: a small heart tattoo on her wrist. It’s not just a souvenir from her travels in Italy; it’s a powerful reminder that love is the true north of life. This tiny ink holds immense power, guiding her through every twist and turn. It grounds her in her identity and beliefs. For Linda, true wealth isn’t measured in riches but in the boundless love and blessings she shares with others–One Love. 



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