I absolutely adore my girls; they never fail to impress (well, rarely). And when it comes to supporting me, my tribe is always there. This year has been full of unexpected twists and turns, and I’ve grappled with finding my path. There are so many things I want to pursue (like seriously!), but sometimes, it takes a friend’s perspective to remind us of our true calling. Over drinks recently, my friend turned to me and said something that got me thinking. “You know what you are, Mic? You’re a freaking farmer, planting seeds of possibility.”

Whenever something catches my attention, my body constantly reacts with a signature move – the lean back, tilted head, squinty eyes, and my mouth doing that funky thing it does. It’s my body’s way of saying, ‘I’m picking up what you are putting down.’ And as the words sank in, a big ol’ grin spread across my face, dimples in full display; huh, she’s right, and I’m in the business of sowing dreams. 

My Seed

I’ve spent so much time as a girl with a pen, pouring out my thoughts on my blog and sowing the seeds of potential for myself. It’s hard to pinpoint when I transitioned from nurturing my dreams to nurturing those of others. But here I am, knee-deep in the world of farming, cultivating the aspirations of others. You can address me as Mic the Farmerette!

This is starting to sound like a country song...insert lyric here
    Fancy boots, thriving crops, 
a dreamy girl, tilling soil,
feels so right, can't stop! 

Is being a farmerette easy? Absolutely not! It’s incredibly challenging. Why? Because it demands that I protect my joy, rise above the noise, and dismiss naysayers constantly. Being an effective farmerette requires the right mindset. 

 I’m constantly hustling, burning the midnight oil, pouring my heart and soul into making dreams come true. The paycheck? Ah, not so much, not yet. (Money is overrated, said no one, ever) It’s all good; for now, my reward is witnessing those little seeds blossom into incredible opportunities. So, while it may be challenging, it’s also gratifying. Joy runs deep within my soul, so I rely on my inner compass to guide me and keep planting.

The farmer has to be an optimist, or he wouldn’t still be a farmer

It turns out it takes time to farm and see the fruits of my labor. Argh, this is a toughie for a gal like me, the practice of patience. Just like avocados, some dreams take time to mature, requiring unwavering commitment and persistence. 

On the flip side, some dreams sprout up fast and furious like cilantro- love these! And being a Latin girl, cilantro is basically the MVP of herbs, right? Quick, zesty, and ready to spice things up! 

So whether you are an avocado or cilantro, I appreciate the beauty that blooms from the wisdom in all dreams’ growth patterns. Learning to trust the timing of everything – it all happens at the right time, so for now, I find solace (joy) in tilling the soil, tending, watering, and supporting all dreams, including my own.


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