
Ahh, December­­—the envy of all the months! December is a diva, living her best life with bows, glitter and plenty of parties, champagne, and a few birthdays thrown in for good measure.

No wonder January feels ‘basic.’ Seriously, how would you like to follow in December’s rockin’ footsteps? ‘Thanks, December, that was quite the starry act; next up, January’ 

Jealous January takes the stage resentful; how the heck did I get stuck being the total wonk of all the months? From dry days to unrealized resolutions, why do I have to be the ‘healthy’ one? Talk about working under pressure.


Even so, December is not all Fa-la-la; it is also full of anxiety with all the ‘have to’s.’ From curating the perfect holiday vibe to the oh-so-special gift under the tree. All while tackling end-of-year commitments at work and planning kid stuff. And remember to exercise to maintain the inevitable weight surplus (and come on now- there’s that overdue mammogram!). The pressure cooker of have-to’s is enough to make your head spin.

Rosé, anyone? 

Taking a giant swig, it suddenly became clear that all the have-to’s on my list were sucking away at life’s magical moments. A wallpaper of sticky notes serving as a reminder of obligatory tasks and obligations…Ugh, who wants to live like this? Going through the mundane motions without joy, not me. 

Ask yourself, when was the last time you enjoyed  – I have to moments?

(Yeah, me neither)


I am done being on autopilot—robotically doing and not enjoying—time to flip the narrative.

Buh-bye, cya, laters, peace out —I HAVE TO

And hello, YOOO! Slayers, Waddup, wanna be my bestie, hiya babe– I GET TO

  • I get to work out, move my body, and get stronger. 
  • I get to make memories this holiday season 
  • I get to bring a smile to a loved one with a gift
  • I get to get up at the break of dawn to remind my boys how much I ❤ them
  • I get to check in with my doctor- to ensure everything is working 
  • I get to watch them grow
  • I get to put on a dress and sparkle
  • I get to get up with purpose and awareness
  • I get to live

How quickly magic unfolds when we remove a few words, voila! Amazing. I GET TO recalibrate my internal settings to appreciate the opportunities and people in my life.

The power of I GET TO…Just ask someone

  • Who no longer has a loved one to squeeze
  • diagnosed with a terminal illness
  • dealing with chronic pain
  • unable to afford gifts for her child
  • struggling to move and care for themselves 

What they would do for GET TO moments…to hug their child once more, to move like Jagger, to afford the toy, or go for a run. Don’t allow life to slip by going through the motions; seize this moment enthusiastically. The gift is in the now, and all you GET to do.    

Next time you get overwhelmed by your sticky notes, take a breath and remind yourself of these simple words: I GET TO. You will instantly feel the weight of it all lift and joy take its place. What a privilege and blessing we get to live in this moment.

As this year winds down, I am renewed and pumped with the power of knowing that I GET to do better and GET to be better. 




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0 Responses

  1. So true, Mic! Funny how changing one little word to another little word brings a sense of peace, power and joy! Thanks for the reminder. Wishing you the merriest always! XO

  2. Love this! I’m glad I GET TO read your blog posts that always inspire me to do better, be better. Thank you.

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