A note from Mic:

So, I am a nudger. Girl, what’s your thing? Sharing how women GET their JOY geeks me out. So, when I stumbled upon Nicole Gonzalez, I was excited to share her story. 

Wow, did this girl give me a run for my storytelling money! Did I beg? Maybe a smidgen. But, y’all know how I roll; I am on a mission to expose illuminators, aka kick-ass women lighting the path for others. Ah, yes, please!

Nicole Gonzalez gave me a glimpse into her private world and insight into her massive Facebook group –spoiler: it has much to do with community. She dishes on all things Hardcore on the Floor – including its 400,000 members; let that sink in. The message is clear: no matter how busy life gets, make time for your body and mind.    

Nic proves that we all have a gift to share with the world. Nicole discovered hers on the Floor- literally and figuratively. It is sweet to learn that our purpose often lies in the tapestry of our passions.  


Nicole Gonzalez is the kind of woman who knows what she wants and goes after it with everything she’s got. A modern-day, multi-passionate, fierce chicky-chic. She wears many hats and is a celebrity of sorts in certain circles. She’s a powerhouse solopreneur and a founder of Hardcore on the Floor, a private Facebook group with a tremendous following. A certified personal trainer immersed in her community coaching teams and volunteering at school. None to be overshadowed by her most significant role as a wifey and mama bear. 

You can imagine time is not her friend, but that doesn’t stop her from pursuing her many passions with determination and grace. #getter_ done is her leaderboard name on Peloton, which sums her up beautifully. If you’re looking for a bad-ass role model, look no further.

She had me at Peloton

Ah, for the love of Peloton! This is where our worlds collide– Nic and I are Peloton freaks– ride-or-die kind of girls. We share an obsession with the instructors, equipment, and workouts. 

So, when I discovered the Hardcore on the Floor Facebook group, I was immediately hooked. From the onset, I realized the value of the community she’s cultivating. 


A busy mom of two, Nicole understands how difficult it is for women to create balance and carve out time for self-care. She knows how quickly women’s needs get derailed when serving others. Struggling to “fit it all in” and feeling depleted, Nicole realized she couldn’t show up fully for her girls and husband, ignoring her body and mind. 

Her culprit, no surprise, time – or lack thereof. So, she flipped the script and eliminated all the excuses getting in her way by making time. She allocated space in her home, financed a Peloton bike, set her alarm for the crack of dawn- aagh- excuses begone. She discovered clarity by strapping on her cleats, sweating it out, and pushing herself to new levels.

Level UP- Team Hardcore

As she delved into all things Peloton, Nic craved community and accountability. And so it began… #getter_done established a private Facebook group, Hardcore on the Floor, with like-minded Peloton lovers. 

What started as a small community seeking to spice up their rides with core exercises has evolved into an impressive team of men and women showing up with uplifting vibes.

How it works: Stacking 

Using the Peloton app, Nicole designs and posts monthly calendars with daily suggested workouts to tag rides/runs/rows on the Peloton equipment. By design, I mean she leans on her fitness credentials to curate a well-balanced workout schedule that hits all body parts, including recovery days; staying healthy and avoiding injury is a top priority. 

Nic personally tests all the classes. She spends hours configuring the stacks. More than once, she has torn the calendar to shreds days before publishing to start again- a perfectionist, Umm, maybe, deliberate and mindful, absolutely.

The calendar infuses members, many of whom are new to exercise. I can do this; I got this. Creating a stack that connects and sets members for success is where the rubber meets the road.

Noun. peloton (plural pelotons) (cycle racing) A group of riders formed during a cycling road race; especially, the main group of riders; the pack.

Did you know that in a peloton race, riders in a group save energy by riding near (particularly behind) other riders? Nic applies this same principle to her stacks. She’s mindful of how valuable time is, so she designs calendars with time restrictions and levels in mind–to energize and make it easy for others to take care of themselves and, in turn, show up fully for the people they love. 

Nicole has taken the helm, leading and setting the pace for her fearless members. Since its inception in 2018, Hardcore on the Floor has nearly four hundred thousand followers. Wowzers! Talk about making an impact!

Magic Sauce

How do so many folks with different backgrounds, opinions, and outlooks unite and ride in unison? In the case of Hardcore, how do four hundred thousand come together to follow a calendar? One of my fave instructors, Jess Sims, best answered, ‘No ego, amigo.’

Yes, for the Hardcore team, ego is tossed out the window. What remains is a group of people willing to show up, share with vulnerability, and clap it out. A shared understanding is that it takes more than one person to win the race and that we are only as strong as the people surrounding us. It’s not about numbers or obstacles; it’s how we work together and trust each other. Ultimately, no matter what, when we put on our workout gear, our goal is to get stronger together. The magic of this group lies in the feeds and the daily posts from members sharing personal stories of incredible transformation, which are genuinely inspiring!

There is no I in TEAM

#getter_done is an intensely private person building a massive brand with significant scope. She dismisses the spotlight and deflects compliments or discussions focusing on her accomplishments. ‘It’s not about me; it’s about an awesome community; the members are the ones we should be talking about.’ 

Nicole is beyond humbled by the positive response from its members. She’s delighted to serve and feels immense gratitude for the kindness and support group members demonstrate. She credits several team members for easing her load, freeing her to lead the group.

On occasion, she daydreams about ‘what’s next’ for Hardcore. The possibilities are many. But this will require more than she’s willing to sacrifice, not yet. But there is no doubt that she’s getting ready to be ready.

For now, she’s content riding alongside team Hardcore, occasionally glancing at the horizon, adding enough resistance to get stronger. Yet she is mindful of savoring the moments and coasting if necessary, careful not to miss the moments that matter most, like the dance parties with the people she loves most. 


She started with a straightforward goal: to create a space for her wellness. This has grown organically to encourage and support four hundred thousand members to level up their Peloton workouts. Today, Hardcore is a thriving community committed to health and fitness.

Thanks, #getter_done, for reminding me that

  • Carving time for wellness is vital- not selfish.
  • We are more than a number or obstacle- excuses BEGONE.
  • Take your passion, and make it your purpose to improve the lives of others.
  • Built it- they will come -never underestimate the power of community.
  • We should never compare ourselves to others, but we can inspire each other to level up.

Exercise routines may sometimes feel like a peloton race where you are advancing, and sometimes, life’s changing winds force us to retreat to the back of the pack to conserve energy. Hardcore reminds us that we aren’t alone in the journey.


PS. Check out the Facebook group and see for yourself. Read through the posts; the transformation photos will have you dropping WOW left and right, guaranteed. 

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