Jitterbug-(1)The first chord of emotion to play immediately at the thought of change;(2) A mixology of fear and excitement. The idea alone gives one the jitterbug. (3) The complete swing of emotions associated with change. (4) Simultaneously terrifying and dreamy.

The Head Game

Okay, I’ll play; I’ll take ‘Moods’ for $200. Hoping to crack a smile and a clue. Seriously, what’s up with the emotional rollercoaster, toots? I thought you wanted the new gig. I’m ready to pop the cork, and well, you’re a hot mess, so what gives? After some prodding, she spills the beans— ah, I see, my sweet pea has a case of the jitterbug.

You know the jitterbug, right, when angst kicks in, and suddenly, what seemed like a good idea moments ago doesn’t seem so great anymore. Your head starts spinning with all the ‘what if’s – what if I hate it, what if it’s different, what if I fail?


Listen, I say, we’ve all been there. We crave change and yearn for something new, but the idea of taking the plunge is enough to send us into a tailspin of anxiety and fear. This leads us to believe that changing course is too risky and that we’ll regret it.

Here’s the skinny: BEWARE of your emotions. They are not your enemy per se—but they inadvertently betray you.

The notion of change requires that we leave our safe place. And let’s face it, most of us are creatures of habit who prefer the familiar to the unknown. So when change appears at your door, emotions rev up to protect you from what they perceive as danger. In essence, your emotions trick you into staying stuck by inciting a mindf*ck game of second-guessing, hoping you panic and remain in your comfort zone.   

Next time your feelings start firing off alarm bells, thank them for their input but don’t let them take the wheel (anxiety, fear, self-doubt). Take a step back and ask yourself what you’re terrified of. Chances are, it’s not the change you’re afraid of but the unknown. And while that’s understandable- don’t allow this to keep you from moving forward.

Instead, learn to fall in love with the thrill of the unknown. Get excited by uncertainty; no matter how big or small the change is, know this: growth comes from being comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Lastly, when change knocks at your door, it is usually at your request. Don’t get bogged down on having all the answers or the age-old question of ‘what do you want?’ It’s okay to figure things out as you go—and like I always say, pay less attention to what you want and more to what you don’t want…identifying the things that no longer serve you is much easier. The clarity that comes from knowing what you don’t want is powerful and usually leads you to new trails.

So there you have it—next time you’re faced with a new opportunity or challenge, don’t run away from it: Embrace it! You can’t fly with your wings tucked. And I believe you are meant to soar. Silence the insecurity, put on your armor of possibilities, and get lost in the unknown…you might find yourself on the path to something great. 


No regrets…Always bet on yourself ❤


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