
ToGETherJOY is a self-discovery journey. It is about taking the time to look inward and gain knowledge and understanding of our character and feelings. To reflect and work towards the person we want to become as we discover our dharma (purpose).

The practice of reflection is vital and better served when we combine this approach with recognizing and honoring individuals we respect—people making an extraordinary difference in our communities. Specifically, I seek women who have seemingly discovered their purpose and are dazzling us with their brilliance. i.e., chicks kicking ass in the human category.  

Illuminators shine a bright light in the darkest moments by paving the path forward with their goodness. Living each day by my mantra, do better, be better!

I am fortunate to know many illuminators. Lauren Romeo, the co-founder of Main Street League (MSL), a non-profit organization in Northville, Michigan, happens to be one of the brightest.

Just last week, at an annual Farm to Table fundraising event, she stood tall amongst her troops (donors & volunteers) and lit up the manicured grounds with her infectious smile. As she thanked the group, her arms reached for the stars with pure gratitude. Lauren realizes what the evening represents. She understands that it is more than generous wine pours, a well-thought-out menu, and pretty dresses. This moment provides Lauren with the resources needed to help a lot of people. Indeed, we should all put our arms up; this is worthy of celebrating!    


‘I am so busy,’ Lauren hears this plenty. So, you will have to excuse her if she tilts her head and gives you a ‘For REALS’ look before moving on and tackling her day. She is a master at juggling many balls and has learned that ‘I am really busy’ is often an excuse for ‘not willing.’

Here’s a tip for all the ‘busy people,’ rethink your response. As Lauren says, ‘I can handle I am not interested, I can take no for an answer, I can appreciate I don’t have anything to give at the moment… but I am too busy …that is hard to digest.’

Let me explain, see, Lauren is busy, like actually busy, all the time. She runs a non-profit organization, has multiple for-profit businesses, and is a mom of two active kiddos. Not to mention everything else life sprinkles in. (see what I mean about being busy)

Lauren understands that life is about priorities. She’s right; of course, we know this; we make time for what we care about. Period.

For Lauren, her priorities are simple. They are deeply rooted in the soil of her birthplace. Her connection to Northville, its people, and its businesses is remarkable. She loves her hometown, adores the people, and does everything in her power to care for her neighbors. And by neighbors, I mean anybody that lives in Northville.

She credits her philanthropic spirit to her upbringing. A mother raised her with a giant heart and a generous soul. Lauren grew up in the restaurant business where her mom planted seeds of goodness and had an open seat policy, a hot meal offered to anyone in need. Lauren also remembers being the recipient of kindness, of neighbors helping her family in a time of need. Something she has never forgotten. For Lauren, paying it forward is non-negotiable. It’s entrenched in her being.

In 2013 Lauren and a friend realized hidden needs within the community were growing. Using their connections, they mobilized volunteers, resources and founded Main Street League. Eight years later, the goal remains to make a difference in the community through time, talents, and financial resources. To educate and increase awareness of local needs and provide social opportunities and educational events for community members.  

Chatting with Lauren in one of the local spots in Northville is distracting. She is a local celebrity. This does not surprise me. What astounds me is that Lauren knows their story too. She knows her peeps and uses her talents to give back entirely to a community often painted with a broad stroke of wealth. Lauren feels strongly about educating her peers and changing the perception people have of the residents of Northville.

What I admire most about Lauren is that she challenges prejudices and works hard to discover common ground. She listens with intent and is fully present, which allows her to connect with people from all walks of life.

She also happens to be a hugger—the best kind. You know, the type of hugger that hangs on a few extra seconds gives you an extra squeeze right before letting go to ensure that you feel their love, protection, and joy. That’s Lauren, hugging it out and making people feel safe.  

2014-My Frist Dance with MSL

The day is straight out of a Norman Rockwell winter wonderland painting. The snow is fluffy, and the snowflakes are giant. The type you try to catch to see if what they say is true that two snowflakes are never alike.

We pull up to a lovely brick home nestled amongst snow-covered trees for a playdate. On the other side of the door, I discover a frigid cold house, a woman in tears, an empty fridge, and three kids under the age of ten.

As I stood in the foyer, it became clear. For this gal, the snowstorm had caused the perfect avalanche; left with no choice, she dropped the emotional baggage and poured her soul out to me. As I listened to her painful words, I was grateful that the universe saw fit to put me in her path and thankful that she trusted me with her truths.

A woman trapped and suffocating from fear, a car in disrepair covered with snow, and no money—a husband who wants out and a man who controls every aspect of their marriage. With tears, she questions every decision she has ever made, including being a stay-at-home mom. She is broken.

I left her home with resolve, knowing precisely what to do. This woman was going to need a big shovel to dig herself out—first, a band-aid for the situation, a trip to Costco and the bank. For the second and longer-lasting solution, I reached out to Lauren.

As expected, Lauren came through in significant ways. She did not hesitate, swept in, and handled it. She assisted, guided her with resources and support. Lauren did not judge or ask how she could let this happen; instead, she extended her hand, lifted a stranger, and hugged her. 

The truth is I did not know this woman well; our kids met in school and wanted to hang out. Later, I met her for coffee and learned that she had only kept the playdate to give her son a couple of hours of ‘normal.’ She expressed her deep appreciation, and referred to Lauren as a guardian angel. I was again reminded, we can never truly know what people are going through.  Kindness matters.

Lauren knows that behind closed doors, hunger, pain, suffering, and sadness live. She knows that the right’ zip code’ does not protect families from the struggle. So, no, Lauren does not judge; she does not try to infuse her logic to the people she helps; she leaves that to others; her purpose is to uplift. She treats people with respect and dignity. If she can help, she will. If she can’t, she’ll find someone that can. In addition to MSL, Lauren is fantastic at connecting the dots with the giving circle that is Northville; she cross-references and pulls from many local charities, food banks, businesses to make a difference; together is better.


It is hard to summarize all that she is and all that she means to our community. It’s impossible to wrap her up in a pretty bow; a facilitator, uplifter, agent for change, humanitarian, community activist, role model, advocate…She embodies all of these. But ultimately, I venture to say that her real superpower is giving people the gift of time.

The efforts of the Main Street League enable Lauren the power to extend individuals with the time needed to get back on their feet. MSL cannot eradicate all problems. Not yet, but they are remarkable at closing that gap, offering a bridge, and allowing people to catch their breath. 

They do this by alleviating the stress of daunting decisions families are forced to make. Do I pay for the electric bill or get my kid to the clinic? Do I pay the gas bill or buy food? Do I fix my car or pay for rent? MSL steps in and helps with the financial burden to ensure families don’t have to choose. Lauren and her team understand that small acts of kindness yield significant results that make a real difference. 

I think of the game of Jenga, one wrong move, and all the blocks come tumbling down. This is how it is for many of the MSL families. Lauren/MSL is able to step in and be the game-changer. Lauren ensures that the correct piece is selected to stay afloat until the recipient regains strength and focus, for independence- that’s always the goal- for recipients to become self-sufficient. 

Farm To Table

It’s a perfect night. The Living and Learning Center grounds provide a gorgeous backdrop to this year’s Farm to Table event. I watch Lauren hug her way through the crowd with appreciation. She is indebted to the donors, the many who generously support her efforts. She values the dollars and has set up safeguards to ensure the contributions are optimized.

Under the beautifully strung lights, I make a wish for MSL; after all, we are all the better with Lauren at the helm, working diligently and purposely to enrich the lives of many.

Thank you, Lauren, for inspiring and showing us how we all have the power to be influencers and to make a difference. For being every bit of ToGETherJOY, for shining a light and doing for others. It is true; we rise by lifting each other.  

Keep illuminating, friend,

It takes a village to operate Main Street League. Lauren has a strong group of talented women that make all things possible. There is no paid staff at MSL- all volunteers. MSL is always open to ideas, especially if you are willing to take the lead- yes, yes! Farm to Table raised $25k Woot, Woot!

MSL hosted the Farm to Table in partnership with the newly renovated Living and Learning campus. Discover the ways they are changing the lives of people with Autism.

Lauren finds her side hustle- window treatments – refreshing and fun- it’s all about the finishing touches in a room and creating beautiful spaces. Her background in fashion/modeling comes in handy…she has a great eye and so many fabrics. Be sure to check out her site for more information. 


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