But did you die? ~Robin Arzon

I purchased the bike under the pretense of a birthday gift for my hubby. Full disclosure is that my besties own one, love it, and always rave about it. I grew tired of listening to their constant chatter; I wanted in on the action.  The Pelo arrived in late January, right before the shit storm of ‘Rona’ crashes our system.  Shutdowns, missed vacations, canceled sports, shortage of toilet paper, sickness, death, masks, political divide, ugly on top of ugly. WTF, what now?

If Britney can survive 2007, you can survive this ~ Cody Rigsby

Isolation sets in, and depression begins to orbit my world comfortably. I find myself hopping on my Pelo to peddle away from the uncertainties of life. It does not take long to get what all the buzz is about.  Jamming to tunes and getting to know that various coaches. The rides operate as a clearinghouse, a place to unload my junk. I sweat my way to clarity, and my PT (Pelo therapy) sessions serve up truths, tears, laughter, and insight as the world outside my walls crumble.

It is quite ironic; the Pelo is loud in that it exhausts all senses. First, you have the voices from enthusiastic and encouraging instructors to be intermittently drowned out by awesome tunes. Followed by the unavoidable smell, taste, and feel of your sweat as it drips down every crease of your body. There is the feel of the pedals as resistance increases testing your limits to breathless pushes. Cadence and output numbers fluctuate as you quickly identify your spot on the leader board with frequent high fives to serve as a reminder that you are never alone. And yet, in the epicenter of this loud party, it never fails; my headspace grows calm, precision sets in, and I can hear my inner voice. I consider Oprah’s question, “how will you use the energy of your personality to serve that which is your soul’s calling?

Pump the breaks… seriously, Oprah posed this question online, how much time do you have? This query requires heavy consideration. The energy of my personality to serve my calling? I invite you to consider the possibilities.

I make suggestions you make decisions ~Denis Morton

How remarkable is it that the universe provides us exactly what we invite? It turns out each time I took a ride, it offered a message that I needed to hear at that precise moment. The more challenging the hill, the more I realized that the rides mirrored the mountains I was facing in my own life. So even though 2020 was doing a fantastic job at doling out significant portions of plain crazy, on the Pelo, the contrary happened; I was allowed to breathe and reset. ToGETher Joy was born during a PT session… listen, learn, share, inspire, give back.

Yes or Yes ~Ally Love

I enjoy everything about the bike; rides are just a small part of the experience. I cannot express enough how great the yoga, meditation, weight, stretching, and Bootcamp classes are. The whole enchilada is fantastic. Also, I like all of the instructors. But LOVE, LOVE a few. If you own a Peloton, no explanation is needed. If you do not, I will say this; the personalities like the classes range dramatically; the good news is there is someone and something for everyone. I have also learned that a peloton is a main group or pack of riders; Riders in a group save energy by riding close to other riders. The Pelo pack is virtual; nevertheless, this virtual pack of riders has a strong pulse and offers a powerful connection. This village, my village of riders, are always available, encouraging, turning I CAN’T to I CAN, and I AM.

You don’t have to, you get to ~Jen Sims

Of course, there are days that I do not feel like exercising, just like there are days that I do not want to face the fucking world.  But I don’t get to put my head in the sand and pretend shit is not happening; instead, I get up, put on my big girl panties, strap on my cleats, click my shoes and start peddling. Why? Because I get to.

My big wish is that my enthusiasm is contagious and that y’all buy a bike (it is cheaper than therapy). At the very least, I hope the Pelotonism I spit out saves you time and energy by pointing you in the right direction.

JFDI (Just Fucking Do it) ~Jenn Sherman


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