We are Daughters of Giants
their strength, dreams, and fight in our veins.
dare to exist boldly, vast and unapologetic

Not a whisper lost in the storm,
But a presence that commands the room.
Refuse to shrink, to dim your light

Our voice---a weapon of wisdom.
know when to roar,
and when a whisper echoes like thunder

Speak your truth
with unwavering conviction,
a woman who knows her worth beyond compare

Shed expectations,
drown out the doubters

The world needs your light,
your brilliance,
however it flickers

Burn so bright,
chase away the shadows

Your arena awaits
spectator or warrior?
the choice is yours

One life, just one
don't fade into a ghost
in your own story

Claim your space,
your fight,
your power

You were born to shine,
destined to rise.
We are the daughters of giants.

This poem is a shout-out to all the fierce women who paved the way with grit and determination. It’s inspired by my incredible mama, who busted her ass to make sure her ceiling was my floor. Her hustle and sacrifices ignite me to BADE—Be Anything, Do Everything—and inspire women to do the same. As we chase our dreams, let’s honor those who came before us and ensure we lift the next generation higher.


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